

Clojure wrapper for JGit



(this space intentionally left almost blank)
(ns clj-jgit.querying
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [clj-jgit.internal :refer :all]
            [clj-jgit.porcelain :as porcelain]
            [clj-jgit.util :as util])
  (:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream)
           (java.util HashMap Date)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.api Git)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.diff DiffFormatter DiffEntry RawTextComparator)
           ( RefDirectory$LooseRef)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.lib ObjectIdRef ObjectId AnyObjectId Ref)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevWalk RevCommit RevCommitList)
           ( DisabledOutputStream)))
(declare change-kind create-tree-walk diff-formatter-for-changes
         byte-array-diff-formatter-for-changes changed-files-in-first-commit
         parse-diff-entry mark-all-heads-as-start-for!)

Find RevCommit instance in RevWalk by commit-ish. Returns nil if the commit is not found.

(defn find-rev-commit
  [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk commit-ish]
  (let [object (resolve-object commit-ish repo)]
    (if (nil? object)
      (bound-commit repo rev-walk object))))

List of branches for a repo in pairs of [branch-ref branch-tip-commit]

(defn branch-list-with-heads
  ([^Git repo]
    (branch-list-with-heads repo (new-rev-walk repo)))
  ([^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk]
    (letfn [(zip-commits [^ObjectIdRef branch-ref]
                         [branch-ref (bound-commit repo rev-walk (.getObjectId branch-ref))])]
           (let [branches (porcelain/git-branch-list repo :jgit? true)]
             (doall (map zip-commits branches))))))

Checks if commit is merged into branch

(defn commit-in-branch?
  [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk ^RevCommit branch-tip-commit ^ObjectId bound-commit]
  (.isMergedInto rev-walk bound-commit branch-tip-commit))

List of branches in which specific commit is present

(defn branches-for
  [^Git repo ^ObjectId rev-commit]
  (let [rev-walk (new-rev-walk repo)
        bound-commit (bound-commit repo rev-walk rev-commit)
        branch-list (branch-list-with-heads repo rev-walk)]
      (for [[^ObjectIdRef branch-ref ^RevCommit branch-tip-commit] branch-list
            :when branch-tip-commit]
          (when (commit-in-branch? repo rev-walk branch-tip-commit bound-commit)
            (.getName branch-ref))))
      (remove nil?)

List of files changed between two RevCommit objects

(defn changed-files-between-commits
  [^Git repo ^RevCommit old-rev-commit ^RevCommit new-rev-commit]
    (let [df ^DiffFormatter (diff-formatter-for-changes repo)
          entries (.scan df old-rev-commit new-rev-commit)]
      (map parse-diff-entry entries)))

List of files changed in RevCommit object

(defn changed-files
  [^Git repo ^RevCommit rev-commit]
  (if-let [parent (first (.getParents rev-commit))]
    (changed-files-between-commits repo parent rev-commit)
    (changed-files-in-first-commit repo rev-commit)))

Patch with diff of all changes in RevCommit object

(defn changed-files-with-patch
  [^Git repo ^RevCommit rev-commit]
  (if-let [parent (first (.getParents rev-commit))]
    (let [rev-parent ^RevCommit parent
          out ^ByteArrayOutputStream (new ByteArrayOutputStream)
          df ^DiffFormatter (byte-array-diff-formatter-for-changes repo out)]
      (.format df rev-parent rev-commit)
      (.toString out))))

Find changes for commit-ish. Returns nil if the commit is not found.

(defn changes-for
  [^Git repo commit-ish]
  (let [rev-commit (->> commit-ish
                        (find-rev-commit repo (new-rev-walk repo)))]
    (if (nil? rev-commit)
      (changed-files repo rev-commit))))

List of all revision in repo

(defn rev-list
  ([^Git repo]
    (rev-list repo (new-rev-walk repo)))
  ([^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk]
    (.reset rev-walk)
    (mark-all-heads-as-start-for! repo rev-walk)
    (doto (RevCommitList.)
      (.source rev-walk)
      (.fillTo Integer/MAX_VALUE))))
(defn commit-info-without-branches
  [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk ^RevCommit rev-commit]
  (let [ident (.getAuthorIdent rev-commit)
        time (-> (.getCommitTime rev-commit) (* 1000) Date.)
        message (-> (.getFullMessage rev-commit) str string/trim)]
    {:id (.getName rev-commit)
     :repo repo
     :author (.getName ident)
     :email (.getEmailAddress ident)
     :time time
     :message message
     :changed_files (changed-files repo rev-commit)
     :merge (> (.getParentCount rev-commit) 1)
     :raw rev-commit ; can't retain commit because then RevCommit can't be garbage collected
(defn commit-info
  ([^Git repo, ^RevCommit rev-commit]
    (commit-info repo (new-rev-walk repo) rev-commit))
  ([^Git repo, ^RevWalk rev-walk, ^RevCommit rev-commit]
    (merge (commit-info-without-branches repo rev-walk rev-commit)
      {:branches (branches-for repo rev-commit)}))
  ([^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk ^HashMap commit-map ^RevCommit rev-commit]
    (merge (commit-info-without-branches repo rev-walk rev-commit)
      {:branches (map #(.getName ^Ref %) (or (.get commit-map rev-commit) []))})))
(defn- mark-all-heads-as-start-for!
  [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk]
  (doseq [[objId ref] (.getAllRefsByPeeledObjectId (.getRepository repo))]
    (.markStart rev-walk (.lookupCommit rev-walk objId))))
(defn- change-kind
  [^DiffEntry entry]
  (let [change (.. entry getChangeType name)]
      (= change "ADD") :add
      (= change "MODIFY") :edit
      (= change "DELETE") :delete
      (= change "COPY") :copy)))
(defn- diff-formatter-for-changes
  [^Git repo]
    (DiffFormatter. DisabledOutputStream/INSTANCE)
    (.setRepository (.getRepository repo))
    (.setDiffComparator RawTextComparator/DEFAULT)
    (.setDetectRenames false)))
(defn- byte-array-diff-formatter-for-changes
  [^Git repo ^ByteArrayOutputStream out]
      (new DiffFormatter out)
    (.setRepository (.getRepository repo))
    (.setDiffComparator RawTextComparator/DEFAULT)))
(defn- changed-files-in-first-commit
  [^Git repo ^RevCommit rev-commit]
  (let [tree-walk (new-tree-walk repo rev-commit)
        changes (transient [])]
    (while (.next tree-walk)
      (conj! changes [(util/normalize-path (.getPathString tree-walk)) :add]))
    (persistent! changes)))
(defn- parse-diff-entry
  [^DiffEntry entry]
  (let [old-path (util/normalize-path (.getOldPath entry))
        new-path (util/normalize-path (.getNewPath entry))
        change-kind (change-kind entry)]
      (= old-path new-path)   [new-path change-kind]
      (= old-path "dev/null") [new-path change-kind]
      (= new-path "dev/null") [old-path change-kind]
      :else [old-path change-kind new-path])))
(defn rev-list-for
  ([^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk ^RefDirectory$LooseRef object]
    (.reset rev-walk)
    (.markStart rev-walk (.lookupCommit ^RevWalk rev-walk ^AnyObjectId (.getObjectId object)))
      (doto (RevCommitList.)
        (.source rev-walk)
        (.fillTo Integer/MAX_VALUE)))))
(defn- add-branch-to-map
  [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk branch ^HashMap m]
  (let [^"[Ljava.lang.Object;" revs (rev-list-for repo rev-walk branch)]
    (dotimes [i (alength revs)]
      (let [c (aget revs i)]
        (.put m c (conj (or (.get m c) []) branch))))))

Build commit map, which is a map of commit IDs to the list of branches they are in.

(defn build-commit-map
    (build-commit-map repo (new-rev-walk repo)))
  ([^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk]
    (let [^HashMap m (HashMap.)]
      (loop [[branch & branches] (vals (get-refs repo "refs/heads/"))]
        (add-branch-to-map repo rev-walk branch m)
        (if branches
          (recur branches)
(ns clj-jgit.util
  (:require [ :as io])
  (:import ( IOException)
           ( RefDirectory$LooseRef)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.lib PersonIdent)))

Delete file f. If f is a directory, recursively deletes all files and directories within the directory. Raises an exception if it fails, unless silently is true.

(defn recursive-delete-file
  [f & [silently]]
  (let [file (io/file f)]
    (if (.exists file)
      (do (doseq [child (reverse (file-seq file))]
            (io/delete-file child silently))
      (or silently
          (throw (IOException. (str "Couldn't find " f)))))))

If given obj isn't sequential? returns a vec with obj as single element, else just returns it's input.

(defn seq?!
  (if (sequential? obj) obj (vector obj)))

Repeatedly executes function f for each entry in param-seq. The function is passed the cmd-instance as first arg and a single param-seq entry as second arg. If param-seq isn't sequential? it's wrapped into a vector. Returns given cmd-instance.

Example that executes .addFilepattern on a JGit AddCommand instance for each given file, nicely threaded:

  (-> (.add repo)
    (doseq-cmd-fn! #(.addFilepattern ^AddCommand %1 %2) ["file1.txt" "file2.txt"])
(defn doseq-cmd-fn!
  [cmd-instance f param-seq]
    (doseq [p (seq?! param-seq)]
      (f cmd-instance p))

Given a URI to a Git resource, derive the name (for use in cloning to a directory)

(defn name-from-uri
  (second (re-find #"/([^/]*)\.git$" uri)))

Special when macro for checking if an attribute isn't available or is an empty string

(defmacro when-present
  [obj & body]
  `(when (not (or (nil? ~obj) (empty? ~obj)))
(defmethod print-method RefDirectory$LooseRef
  [^RefDirectory$LooseRef o w]
    (str "#<" (.replaceFirst (str (.getClass o)) "class " "") ", "
         "Name: " (.getName o) ", "
         "ObjectId: " (.getName (.getObjectId o)) ">") w))

Removes a leading slash from a path

(defn normalize-path
  (if (= path "/")
    (if (= (first path) \/)
      (subs path 1)

Convert given JGit PersonIdent object into a map

(defn person-ident
  [^PersonIdent person]
  (when person
    {:name     (.getName person)
     :email    (.getEmailAddress person)
     :date     (.getWhen person)
     :timezone (.getTimeZone person)}))
(ns clj-jgit.internal
    (clojure.lang Sequential)
    (org.eclipse.jgit.api Git)
    (org.eclipse.jgit.lib ObjectId ObjectIdRef Repository RefDatabase)
    (org.eclipse.jgit.transport RefSpec)
    (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevWalk RevCommit)
    (org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk TreeWalk)))
(defn ref-spec ^RefSpec [str]
  (RefSpec. str))

Creates a new RevWalk instance (mutable), it's a good idea to use close-rev-walk once you are done. ;)

(defn new-rev-walk
  ^RevWalk [^Git repo]
  (RevWalk. (.getRepository repo)))

If given rev-walk is a JGit RevWalk instance release any of it's used resources, returns nil either way

(defn close-rev-walk
  (when (instance? RevWalk rev-walk)
    (.close ^RevWalk rev-walk)))

Create new recursive TreeWalk instance (mutable)

(defn new-tree-walk
  ^TreeWalk [^Git repo ^RevCommit rev-commit]
    (TreeWalk. (.getRepository repo))
    (.addTree (.getTree rev-commit))
    (.setRecursive true)))

Find a RevCommit object in a RevWalk and bound to it.

(defn bound-commit
  ^RevCommit [^Git repo ^RevWalk rev-walk ^ObjectId rev-commit]
  (.parseCommit rev-walk rev-commit))

Protocol for things that resolve ObjectId's.

(defprotocol Resolvable
  (resolve-object ^ObjectId [commit-ish repo]
    "Find ObjectId instance for any Git name: commit-ish, tree-ish or blob. Accepts ObjectId instances and just passes them through."))
(extend-type String
    ^ObjectId [^String commit-ish ^Git repo]
    (.resolve (.getRepository repo) commit-ish)))
(extend-type ObjectId
    ^ObjectId [commit-ish ^Git repo]
(extend-type ObjectIdRef
    ^ObjectId [commit-ish ^Git repo]
    (.getObjectId commit-ish)))
(extend-type Sequential
  (resolve-object [refs ^Git repo]
    (map #(resolve-object % repo) refs)))
(extend-type Git
    ^ObjectId [^Git repo commit-ish]
    "For compatibility with previous implementation of resolve-object, which would take repo as a first argument."
    (resolve-object commit-ish repo)))
(defn ref-database
  ^RefDatabase [^Git repo]
  (.getRefDatabase ^Repository (.getRepository repo)))
(defn get-refs
  [^Git repo ^String prefix]
  (.getRefs (ref-database repo) prefix))

Return HEAD RevCommit instance

(defn get-head-commit  [^Git repo]
  (let [rev-walk (new-rev-walk repo)]
      (as-> repo $
        (.getRepository $)
        (.resolve $ "HEAD")
        (bound-commit repo rev-walk $))
      (finally (close-rev-walk rev-walk)))))
(ns clj-jgit.porcelain
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [clj-jgit.internal :refer :all]
            [clj-jgit.util :as util :refer [seq?! doseq-cmd-fn!]])
  (:import ( File FileNotFoundException IOException)
           (java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)
           ( GeneralSecurityException)
           (java.util List)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.api Git InitCommand StatusCommand AddCommand PullCommand MergeCommand LogCommand
                                 LsRemoteCommand Status ResetCommand$ResetType FetchCommand PushCommand CloneCommand
                                 RmCommand ResetCommand SubmoduleUpdateCommand SubmoduleSyncCommand SubmoduleInitCommand
                                 StashCreateCommand StashApplyCommand BlameCommand ListBranchCommand$ListMode
                                 CreateBranchCommand$SetupUpstreamMode CheckoutCommand$Stage
                                 CommitCommand MergeCommand$FastForwardMode RevertCommand CreateBranchCommand
                                 CheckoutCommand TransportConfigCallback TransportCommand ListBranchCommand TagCommand
                                 CleanCommand DeleteTagCommand)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.blame BlameResult)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.diff DiffAlgorithm$SupportedAlgorithm)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.lib RepositoryBuilder AnyObjectId PersonIdent BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode ObjectId
                                 SubmoduleConfig$FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode Ref Repository StoredConfig GpgConfig)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.merge MergeStrategy)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.notes Note)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevCommit)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.submodule SubmoduleWalk)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.transport.sshd SshdSessionFactory DefaultProxyDataFactory JGitKeyCache KeyPasswordProvider)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.transport FetchResult UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider URIish RefSpec RefLeaseSpec TagOpt
                                       RemoteConfig CredentialsProvider CredentialItem$CharArrayType
                                       CredentialItem$YesNoType SshTransport)
           (org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk TreeWalk)))

Discover a Git repository in a path.

(defmulti discover-repo  type)
(defmethod discover-repo File
  [^File file]
  (discover-repo (.getPath file)))
(defmethod discover-repo String
  [^String path]
  (let [with-git (io/as-file (str path "/.git"))
        bare (io/as-file (str path "/refs"))]
      (.endsWith path ".git") (io/as-file path)
      (.exists with-git) with-git
      (.exists bare) (io/as-file path))))
(def ^:dynamic *cred-provider* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *ssh-key-dir* (str (System/getProperty "user.home") (File/separator) ".ssh"))
(def ^:dynamic *ssh-key-name* ["id_rsa", "id_dsa", "id_ecdsa", "id_ed25519"])
(def ^:dynamic *ssh-key-passphrase* )
(def ^:dynamic *known-hosts-file* ["known_hosts" "known_hosts2"])

Basic CredentialsProvider instance that accepts and adds any unknown server keys to known_hosts file.

(def ^CredentialsProvider trust-any-provider
  (proxy [CredentialsProvider] []
    (supports [items]
      (if (some? (->> items
                      (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$YesNoType %) true))
    (get [uri items]
      (let [^CredentialItem$YesNoType yesno-item (->> items
                                                      (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$YesNoType %) true))
        (if (some? yesno-item)
          (do (.setValue yesno-item true) true)
    (isInteractive []

Create a new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider instance for given login and password.


:trust-all?  Accept and add any server key not present in known_hosts file.
             (default: false)
(defn user-pass-provider
  ^UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider [login password & {:keys [trust-all?] :or {trust-all? false}}]
  (if trust-all?
    (proxy [UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider] [^String login ^String password]
      (supports [items]
        (if (some? (->> items
                        (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$YesNoType %) true))
      (get [uri items]
        (let [^CredentialItem$YesNoType yesno-item (->> items
                                                        (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$YesNoType %) true))
          (if (some? yesno-item)
            (do (.setValue yesno-item true) true)
      (isInteractive []
    (UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider. ^String login ^String password)))

Create a new KeyPasswordProvider instance for given key-pw.

(defn key-pass-provider
  ^KeyPasswordProvider [key-pw]
  (reify KeyPasswordProvider
    (getPassphrase [_ uri attempt]
      (char-array key-pw))
    (setAttempts [_ attempts]
    (getAttempts [_]
    (keyLoaded [_ uri attempt ex]
      (when ex (throw (GeneralSecurityException. "Key passphrase mismatch")))
      ; never retry on error

Handle SSH transport configuration.

(def ^SshdSessionFactory sshd-factory
  (proxy [SshdSessionFactory] [(JGitKeyCache.) (DefaultProxyDataFactory.)]
    (getSshDirectory []
      (let [ssh-dir (io/as-file *ssh-key-dir*)]
        (if (.isAbsolute ssh-dir)
          (.getAbsoluteFile ssh-dir))))
    (createKeyPasswordProvider [^CredentialsProvider provider]
      (key-pass-provider *ssh-key-passphrase*))
    (getDefaultKnownHostsFiles [^File ssh-dir]
      (let [ssh-dir (.toPath ssh-dir)
            kh-files (->> (seq?! *known-hosts-file*)
                          (map #(.resolve ssh-dir ^String %)))]
        (if (seq kh-files)
          (throw (IOException. (str "Couldn't find any known hosts file(s), tried: " *known-hosts-file*
                                    " in " *ssh-key-dir*))))))
    (getDefaultIdentities [^File ssh-dir]
      (let [key-files (->> (seq?! *ssh-key-name*)
                           (map #(io/file ssh-dir %))
                           (filter #(.exists ^File %))
                           (map #(.toPath ^File %)))]
        (if (seq key-files)
          (throw (IOException. (str "Couldn't find any key file(s), tried: " *ssh-key-name*
                                    " in " *ssh-key-dir*))))))))
(-> (Runtime/getRuntime) (.addShutdownHook (Thread. #(.close sshd-factory))))

Default TransportConfigCallback.

(def ^TransportConfigCallback transport-callback
  (reify ^TransportConfigCallback TransportConfigCallback
    (configure [_ transport]
      (when (instance? SshTransport transport)
        (.setSshSessionFactory ^SshTransport transport sshd-factory)))))
(def ^:dynamic *transport-callback* transport-callback)

Use given config map for all commands in body that require credentials based authentication.


:login          User name.
:pw             User password.
:trust-all?     If true any unknown server key is accepted and added to configured
                `known_hosts` file. (default: false)
:cred-provider  Use custom credentials provider. (default: nil = use default)
(defmacro with-credentials
  [config & body]
  `(let [user-name#      (get ~config :login "")
         user-pw#        (get ~config :pw "")
         key-dir#        (get ~config :key-dir *ssh-key-dir*)
         trust-all?#     (get ~config :trust-all? false)
         cred-provider#  (get ~config :credentials *cred-provider*)]
    (binding [*ssh-key-dir*    key-dir#
              *transport-callback* nil
              *cred-provider*  (if (some? cred-provider#)
                                 (user-pass-provider user-name# user-pw# :trust-all? trust-all?#))]

Use given config map for all commands in body that require key based authentication.


:name               A string or seq of strings with private key name(s). The public
                    key must have the same name with an additional ".pub" postfix.
                    (default: ["id_rsa", "id_dsa", "id_ecdsa", "id_ed25519"])
:pw                 Optional password for encrypted keys. (default: nil)
:key-dir            Path to ssl keys and known_hosts file. (default: ~/.ssh)
:trust-any-host?    If true any unknown server key is accepted and added to
                    known_hosts file. (default: false)
:cred-provider      Use custom credentials provider. (default: nil = use default)
:transport-callback Use custom TransportConfigCallback
(defmacro with-identity
  [config & body]
  `(let [key-name#      (get ~config :name *ssh-key-name*)
         key-pw#        (get ~config :pw *ssh-key-passphrase*)
         key-dir#       (get ~config :key-dir *ssh-key-dir*)
         trust-all?#    (get ~config :trust-all? false)
         cred-provider# (get ~config :cred-provider *cred-provider*)
         transport-cb#  (get ~config :transport-callback *transport-callback*)]
     (binding [*ssh-key-name* key-name#
               *ssh-key-dir* key-dir#
               *ssh-key-passphrase* key-pw#
               *cred-provider* (if (and trust-all?# (nil? cred-provider#))
               *transport-callback* transport-cb#]

Given a path (either to the parent folder or to the .git folder itself), load the Git repository

(defn load-repo
  ^Git [path]
  (if-let [git-dir (discover-repo path)]
    (-> (RepositoryBuilder.)
        (.setGitDir git-dir)
      (FileNotFoundException. (str "The Git repository at '" path "' could not be located.")))))

Load Git repository at path and bind it to repo, then evaluate body. Also provides a fresh rev-walk instance for repo which is closed on form exit.

(defmacro with-repo
  [path & body]
  `(let [~'repo (load-repo ~path)
         ~'rev-walk (new-rev-walk ~'repo)]
     (try ~@body
          (finally (close-rev-walk ~'rev-walk)))))

Release all resources held by JGit process. Not mandatory, but prevents leaks when, for example, running in a webapp.

(defn git-shutdown
  [] (Git/shutdown))

Add file contents to the index. file-patterns is either a String with a repository-relative path of the file/directory to be added or coll of Strings with paths. If a directory name is given all files in the directory are added recursively. Fileglobs (e.g. *.txt) are not yet supported.


:update?                If set to true, the command only matches file-patterns
                        against already tracked files in the index rather than
                        the working tree. That means that it will never stage new
                        files, but that it will stage modified new contents of
                        tracked files and that it will remove files from the index
                        if the corresponding files in the working tree have been
                        removed. (default: false)
:working-tree-iterator  Set the WorkingTreeIterator to be used. If nil a standard
                        FileTreeIterator is used. (default: nil)
(defn git-add
  [^Git repo file-patterns & {:keys [update? working-tree-iterator]
                              :or   {update?               false
                                     working-tree-iterator nil}}]
  (as-> (.add repo) cmd
        ^AddCommand (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addFilepattern ^AddCommand %1 %2) file-patterns)
        (.setUpdate cmd update?)
        (if (some? working-tree-iterator)
          (.setWorkingTreeIterator cmd working-tree-iterator) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))
(defonce branch-list-modes
         {:all    ListBranchCommand$ListMode/ALL
          :remote ListBranchCommand$ListMode/REMOTE})
(defn strip-refs-head [s]
  (str/replace s #"^refs/heads/" ))

Get a list of branch names for given repo. Returns a seq of strings.


:jgit?      If true returns a seq with JGit objects instead. (default: false)
:list-mode  :all, :local or :remote (default: :local)
(defn git-branch-list
  [^Git repo & {:keys [jgit? list-mode]
                :or   {jgit?     false
                       list-mode :local}}]
  (as-> (.branchList repo) ^ListBranchCommand cmd
        (if-not (= list-mode :local)
          (.setListMode cmd (list-mode branch-list-modes)) cmd)
        (.call cmd)
        (if jgit?
          (map #(-> (.getName ^Ref %) strip-refs-head) cmd))))

The current branch name of given repo.


:jgit?      If true returns the unmodified output by JGit. (default: false)
(defn git-branch-current
  [^Git repo & {:keys [jgit?] :or {jgit? false}}]
  (as-> (.getRepository repo) ^Repository r
        (.getFullBranch r)
        (if jgit?
          (strip-refs-head r))))

Is the given repo on a branch (true) or in a detached HEAD state?

(defn git-branch-attached?
  [^Git repo]
  (some? (re-find #"^refs/heads/" (git-branch-current repo :jgit? true))))
(defonce branch-upstream-modes
         {:no-track     CreateBranchCommand$SetupUpstreamMode/NOTRACK
          :set-upstream CreateBranchCommand$SetupUpstreamMode/SET_UPSTREAM
          :track        CreateBranchCommand$SetupUpstreamMode/TRACK})

Create a new local branch for given repo.


:force?         If true and the branch with the given name already exists, the
                start-point of an existing branch will be set to a new :start-point;
                if false, the existing branch will not be changed.
                (default: false)
:start-point    String that corresponds to the start-point option; if null, the
                current HEAD will be used. (default: nil)
:upstream-mode  Optional keyword that configures branch tracking:
                (default: nil)
(defn git-branch-create
  [^Git repo branch-name & {:keys [force? ^String start-point upstream-mode]
                            :or   {force?        false
                                   start-point   nil
                                   upstream-mode nil}}]
  (as-> (.branchCreate repo) ^CreateBranchCommand cmd
        (.setName cmd branch-name)
        (.setForce cmd force?)
        (if (some? start-point)
          (.setStartPoint cmd start-point) cmd)
        (if (some? upstream-mode)
          (.setUpstreamMode cmd (upstream-mode branch-upstream-modes)) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Delete one or several branches. branch-names may be either a string or a coll of strings. The result is a list with the (full) names of the deleted branches. Note that we don't have a option corresponding to the -r option; remote tracking branches are simply deleted just like local branches.


:force? true corresponds to the -D option, false to the -d option. If false a check
        will be performed whether the branch to be deleted is already merged into
        the current branch and deletion will be refused in this case.
        (default: false)
(defn git-branch-delete
  [^Git repo branch-names & {:keys [force?]
                             :or   {force? false}}]
  (-> (.branchDelete repo)
      (.setBranchNames (into-array String (seq?! branch-names)))
      (.setForce force?)
(defonce checkout-stage-modes
         {:base   CheckoutCommand$Stage/BASE
          :ours   CheckoutCommand$Stage/OURS
          :theirs CheckoutCommand$Stage/THEIRS})

Checkout a branch to the working tree.


:all-paths?     Do a path checkout on the entire repository. If this option is set,
                neither the :create-branch? nor :name option is considered. In
                other words, these options are exclusive. (default: false)
:create-branch? If true a branch will be created as part of the checkout and set to
                the specified :start-point. (default: false)
:force?         If true and the branch with the given name already exists, the
                start point of an existing branch will be set to a new start-point;
                if false, the existing branch will not be changed. (default: false)
:monitor        Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                (default: nil)
:name           The name of the branch or commit to check out, or the new branch name.
                When only checking out paths and not switching branches, use
                :start-point to specify from which branch or commit to check out
                files. When :create-branch? is set to true, use this option to set
                the name of the new branch and :start-point to specify the
                start-point of the branch. (default: nil)
:orphan?        Whether to create a new orphan branch. If true , the name of the new
                orphan branch must be set using :name. The commit at which to start
                the new orphan branch can be set using :start-point; if not
                specified, "HEAD" is used. (default: false)
:paths          String or coll of strings with path(s) to check out. If this option is
                set, neither the :create-branch? nor :name option is considered.
                In other words, these options are exclusive. (default: nil)
:stage          When checking out the index, check out the specified stage for
                unmerged paths. This can not be used when checking out a branch, only
                when checking out the index. Keywords:
                  :base     Base stage (#1)
                  :ours     Ours stage (#2)
                  :theirs   Theirs stage (#3)
                (default: nil)
:start-point    String that corresponds to the --start-point option. When checking
                out :paths and this is not specified or null, the index is used.
                When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If
                null, the current HEAD will be used. (default: nil)
:upstream-mode  Optional keyword that configures branch tracking when creating a new
                branch with :create-branch?.
                Modes are:
                (default: nil)

Usage examples:

Check out an existing branch:

  (git-checkout repo :name "feature");

Check out paths from the index:

  (git-checkout repo :paths ["file1.txt" "file2.txt"]);

Check out a path from a commit:

  (git-checkout repo :start-point "HEAD" :paths "file1.txt");

Create a new branch and make it the current branch:

  (git-checkout repo :create-branch? true :name "newbranch");

Create a new tracking branch for a remote branch and make it the current branch:

  (git-checkout repo :create-branch? true :name "stable"
      :upstream-mode :set-upstream :start-point "origin/stable");
(defn git-checkout
  [^Git repo & {:keys [all-paths? create-branch? force? monitor name orphan? paths stage ^String start-point upstream-mode]
                :or   {all-paths?     false
                       create-branch? false
                       force?         false
                       monitor        nil
                       name           nil
                       orphan?        false
                       paths          nil
                       stage          nil
                       start-point    nil
                       upstream-mode  nil}}]
  (as-> (.checkout repo) ^CheckoutCommand cmd
        (if (some? name)
          (.setName cmd name) cmd)
        (if (some? paths)
          (.addPaths cmd (seq?! paths)) cmd)
        (.setAllPaths cmd all-paths?)
        (.setCreateBranch cmd create-branch?)
        (.setForceRefUpdate cmd force?)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (.setOrphan cmd orphan?)
        (if (some? stage)
          (.setStage cmd (stage checkout-stage-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? start-point)
          (.setStartPoint cmd start-point) cmd)
        (if (some? upstream-mode)
          (.setUpstreamMode cmd (upstream-mode branch-upstream-modes)) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))
(declare git-cherry-pick)
(defonce tag-opt
         {:auto-follow  TagOpt/AUTO_FOLLOW
          :fetch-tags   TagOpt/FETCH_TAGS
          :no-tags      TagOpt/NO_TAGS})
(defn clone-cmd ^CloneCommand [uri]
  (-> (Git/cloneRepository)
      (.setURI uri)
      ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider *cred-provider*)
      (.setTransportConfigCallback *transport-callback*)))

Clone a repository into a new working directory from given uri.


:bare?          Whether the cloned repository shall be bare. (default: false)
:branch         The initial branch to check out when cloning the repository. Can be
                specified as ref name ("refs/heads/master"), branch name
                ("master") or tag name ("v1.2.3"). If set to nil "HEAD"
                is used. (default: "master")
:callback       Register a progress callback. See JGit CloneCommand.Callback
                interface. (default: nil)
:clone-all?     Whether all branches have to be fetched. (default: true)
:clone-branches String or coll of strings of branch(es) to clone. Ignored when
                :clone-all? is true. Branches must be specified as full ref
                names (e.g. "refs/heads/master"). (default: nil)
:clone-subs?    If true; initialize and update submodules. Ignored when :bare?
                is true. (default: false)
:dir            The optional directory associated with the clone operation. If
                the directory isn't set, a name associated with the source uri
                will be used. (default: nil)
:git-dir        The repository meta directory (.git). (default: nil = automatic)
:no-checkout?   If set to true no branch will be checked out after the clone.
                This enhances performance of the clone command when there is no
                need for a checked out branch. (default: false)
:mirror?        Set up a mirror of the source repository. This implies that a
                bare repository will be created. Compared to :bare?, :mirror?
                not only maps local branches of the source to local branches of
                the target, it maps all refs (including remote-tracking branches,
                notes etc.) and sets up a refspec configuration such that all
                these refs are overwritten by a git remote update in the target
                repository. (default: false)
:monitor        Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                (default: nil)
:remote         The remote name used to keep track of the upstream repository for the
                clone operation. If no remote name is set, "origin" is used.
                (default: nil)
:tags           Set the tag option used for the remote configuration explicitly.
                  :auto-follow  - Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing they point at.
                  :fetch-tags   - Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the thing it points at.
                  :no-tags      - Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it points at.
                (default: :auto-follow)
(defn git-clone
  [uri & {:keys [bare? branch callback clone-all? clone-branches clone-subs? dir git-dir no-checkout? mirror? monitor
                 remote tags]
          :or   {bare?          false
                 branch         "master"
                 clone-all?     true
                 clone-branches nil
                 clone-subs?    false
                 callback       nil
                 dir            nil
                 git-dir        nil
                 no-checkout?   false
                 mirror?        false
                 monitor        nil
                 remote         nil
                 tags           :auto-follow}}]
  (as-> (clone-cmd uri) cmd
        (.setBare cmd bare?)
        (.setBranch cmd branch)
        (.setCloneAllBranches cmd clone-all?)
        (if (some? clone-branches)
          (.setBranchesToClone cmd (seq?! clone-branches)) cmd)
        (.setCloneSubmodules cmd clone-subs?)
        (if (some? callback)
          (.setCallback cmd callback) cmd)
        (if (some? dir)
          (.setDirectory cmd (io/as-file dir)) cmd)
        (if (some? git-dir)
          (.setGitDir cmd (io/as-file git-dir)) cmd)
        (.setNoCheckout cmd no-checkout?)
        (.setMirror cmd mirror?)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? remote)
          (.setRemote cmd remote) cmd)
        (.setTagOption cmd (tags tag-opt))
        (.call cmd)))
(defn ^CredentialsProvider signing-pass-provider [^String key-pw]
  "Return a new `CredentialsProvider` instance for given `key-pw`."
  (proxy [CredentialsProvider] []
    (supports [items]
      (if (some? (->> items
                      (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$CharArrayType %) true))
    (get [uri items]
      (let [^CredentialItem$CharArrayType pw-item (->> items
                                                       (filter #(when (instance? CredentialItem$CharArrayType %) true))
        (if (some? pw-item)
          (do (.setValue pw-item (char-array key-pw)) true)
    (isInteractive []
(declare git-config-load)
(defn gpg-config [^Git repo]
  "Return commit signing config for given `repo`."
  (let [config (GpgConfig. (git-config-load repo))]
    {:sign?       (.isSignCommits config)
     :signing-key (.getSigningKey config)
     :key-format  (.getKeyFormat config)}))

Record changes to given repo.


:all?               If set to true the Commit command automatically stages files that
                    have been modified and deleted, but new files not known by the
                    repository are not affected. This corresponds to the parameter -a
                    on the command line. (default: false)
:allow-empty?       Whether it should be allowed to create a commit which has the
                    same tree as it's sole predecessor (a commit which doesn't
                    change anything). By default when creating standard commits
                    (without specifying paths) JGit allows to create such commits.
                    When this flag is set to false an attempt to create an "empty"
                    standard commit will lead to an EmptyCommitException.
                    (default: true)
:amend?             Used to amend the tip of the current branch. If set to true, the
                    previous commit will be amended. This is equivalent to --amend
                    on the command line. (default: false)
:author             A map of format {:name "me" :email ""}. If no
                    author is explicitly specified the author will be set to the
                    committer or to the original author when amending. (default: nil)
:committer          A map of format {:name "me" :email ""}. If no
                    committer is explicitly specified the committer will be deduced
                    from config info in current repository, with current time.
                    (default: nil)
:insert-change-id?  If set to true a change id will be inserted into the commit
                    message. An existing change id is not replaced. An initial change
                    id (I000...) will be replaced by the change id.
                    (default: nil)
:no-verify?         Whether this commit should *not* be verified by the pre-commit and
                    commit-msg hooks. (default: false)
:only               String or coll of strings. If set commit dedicated path(s) only.
                    Full file paths are supported as well as directory paths; in the
                    latter case this commits all files/directories below the specified
                    path. (default: nil)
:reflog-comment     Override the message written to the reflog or pass nil to specify
                    that no reflog should be written. If an empty string is passed
                    Git's default reflog msg is used. (default: "")
:sign?              Sign the commit? If nil the git config is used (commit.gpgSign).
                    Note that unprotected GPG keys are currently not supported by JGit.
                    (default: nil)
:signing-key        The GPG key id used for signing. If nil the git config is used (user.signingKey).
                    (default: nil)
:signing-pw         The key password for the default credentials provider.
                    (default: nil)
:signing-provider   Pass a custom CredentialsProvider instance, overrides :signing-pw.
                    (default: nil)
(defn git-commit
  [^Git repo message & {:keys [all? allow-empty? amend? author committer insert-change-id? no-verify? only
                               reflog-comment sign? signing-key signing-pw signing-provider]
                        :or   {all?              false
                               allow-empty?      true
                               amend?            false
                               author            nil
                               committer         nil
                               insert-change-id? false
                               no-verify?        false
                               only              nil
                               reflog-comment    ""
                               sign?             nil
                               signing-key       nil
                               signing-pw        nil
                               signing-provider  nil}}]
  (let [sign? (if (some? sign?)
                (:sign? (gpg-config repo)))]
    (as-> (.commit repo) ^CommitCommand cmd
          (.setAll cmd all?)
          (.setAllowEmpty cmd allow-empty?)
          (.setAmend cmd amend?)
          (if (some? author)
            (.setAuthor cmd (:name author) (:email author)) cmd)
          (if (some? committer)
            (.setCommitter cmd (:name committer) (:email committer)) cmd)
          (.setInsertChangeId cmd insert-change-id?)
          (.setMessage cmd message)
          (.setNoVerify cmd no-verify?)
          (if (some? only)
            (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.setOnly ^CommitCommand %1 %2) only) cmd)
          (if (or (nil? reflog-comment)
                  (not (clojure.string/blank? reflog-comment)))
            (.setReflogComment cmd reflog-comment) cmd)
          (.setSign cmd sign?)
          (if (and sign? (some? signing-key))
            (.setSigningKey cmd signing-key) cmd)
          (if (and sign? (some? signing-pw))
            ; see
            (do (.setCredentialsProvider cmd (signing-pass-provider signing-pw)) cmd)
          (if (and sign? (some? signing-provider))
            ; see
            (do (.setCredentialsProvider cmd signing-provider) cmd)
          (.call cmd))))
(defn ^StoredConfig git-config-load [^Git repo]
  "Return mutable JGit StoredConfig object for given `repo`."
  (-> repo .getRepository .getConfig))
(defn git-config-save [^StoredConfig git-config]
  "Save given `git-config` to repo's `.git/config` file."
  (.save git-config))
(defn parse-git-config-key [^String config-key]
  "Parse given Git `config-key` and return a vector of format [section subsection name]."
  (let [keys (str/split config-key #"\.")]
    (case (count keys)
      2 [(first keys) nil (last keys)]
      3 keys
      (throw (Exception. (str "Invalid config-key format: " config-key))))))
(defn git-config-get [^StoredConfig git-config ^String config-key]
  "Return Git config value as string for given Git `config-key`. Note that config keys that are not explicitly set in
  global/current repo config will always return nil and not the default value."
  (->> (parse-git-config-key config-key)
       (apply #(.getString git-config % %2 %3))))
(defn ^StoredConfig git-config-set [^StoredConfig git-config ^String config-key config-value]
  "Set given `config-value` for given Git `config-key`, always returns the passed JGit StoredConfig object."
  (->> (parse-git-config-key config-key)
       (apply #(.setString git-config % %2 %3 (str config-value))))
(defn fetch-cmd ^FetchCommand [^Git repo]
  (-> (.fetch repo)
      ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider *cred-provider*)
      (.setTransportConfigCallback *transport-callback*)))
(defonce fetch-recurse-submodules-modes
         {:no        SubmoduleConfig$FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode/NO
          :on-demand SubmoduleConfig$FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode/ON_DEMAND
          :yes       SubmoduleConfig$FetchRecurseSubmodulesMode/YES})
(defonce transport-tag-opts
         {:auto-follow TagOpt/AUTO_FOLLOW
          :fetch-tags  TagOpt/FETCH_TAGS
          :no-tags     TagOpt/NO_TAGS})

Fetch changes from upstream repo.


:callback           Register a progress callback. See JGit FetchCommand.Callback
                    interface. (default: nil)
:check-fetched?     If set to true, objects received will be checked for validity.
                    (default: false)
:dry-run?           Whether to do a dry run. (default: false)
:force?             Update refs affected by the fetch forcefully? (default: false)
:monitor            Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                    (default: nil)
:recurse-subs       Keyword that corresponds to the --(no-)recurse-submodules
                    options. If nil use the value of the
           option configured per
                    submodule. If not specified there, use the value of the
                    fetch.recurseSubmodules option configured in git config. If not
                    configured in either, :on-demand is the built-in default.
                    (default: nil)
:ref-specs          String or coll of strings of RefSpecs to be used in the fetch
                    operation. (default: nil)
:remote             The remote (uri or name) used for the fetch operation. If no
                    remote is set "origin" is used. (default: nil)
:rm-deleted-refs?   If set to true, refs are removed which no longer exist in the
                    source. If nil the Git repo config is used, if no config could
                    be found false is used. (default: nil)
:tag-opt            Keyword that sets the specification of annotated tag behavior
                    during fetch:
                      :auto-follow    Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing
                                      they point at.
                      :fetch-tags     Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the
                                      thing it points at.
                      :no-tags        Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it
                                      points at.
                    (default: nil)
:thin?              Sets the thin-pack preference for fetch operation. (default: true)
(defn git-fetch
  ^FetchResult [^Git repo & {:keys [callback check-fetched? dry-run? force? monitor recurse-subs ref-specs remote
                                    rm-deleted-refs? tag-opt thin?]
                             :or   {callback         nil
                                    check-fetched?   false
                                    dry-run?         false
                                    force?           false
                                    monitor          nil
                                    recurse-subs     nil
                                    ref-specs        nil
                                    remote           nil
                                    rm-deleted-refs? nil
                                    tag-opt          nil
                                    thin?            true}}]
  (as-> (fetch-cmd repo) cmd
        (if (some? callback)
          (.setCallback cmd callback) cmd)
        (.setCheckFetchedObjects cmd check-fetched?)
        (.setDryRun cmd dry-run?)
        (.setForceUpdate cmd force?)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? recurse-subs)
          (.setRecurseSubmodules cmd (recurse-subs fetch-recurse-submodules-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? ref-specs)
          (.setRefSpecs cmd ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String (seq?! ref-specs))) cmd)
        (if (some? remote)
          (.setRemote cmd remote) cmd)
        (if (some? rm-deleted-refs?)
          (.setRemoveDeletedRefs cmd rm-deleted-refs?) cmd)
        (if (some? tag-opt)
          (.setTagOpt cmd (tag-opt transport-tag-opts)) cmd)
        (.setThin cmd thin?)
        (.call cmd)))

Fetch all refs from upstream repo

(defn git-fetch-all
  ([^Git repo]
   (git-fetch-all repo "origin"))
  ([^Git repo remote]
   (git-fetch repo :remote remote :ref-specs ["+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*" "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"])))

Initialize and return a new Git repository, if no options are passed a non-bare repo is created at user.dir


:bare?    Whether the repository is bare or not. (default: false)
:dir      The optional directory associated with the init operation. If no directory
          is set, we'll use the current directory. (default: ".")
:git-dir  Set the repository meta directory (.git). (default: nil = use default)
(defn git-init
  [& {:keys [bare? dir git-dir]
      :or   {bare?   false
             dir     "."
             git-dir nil}}]
  (as-> (InitCommand.) cmd
        (.setBare cmd bare?)
        (.setDirectory cmd (io/as-file dir))
        (if (some? git-dir)
          (.setGitDir cmd (io/as-file git-dir)) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Add a new remote to given repo and return the JGit RemoteAddCommand instance.

(defn git-remote-add
  [^Git repo name ^String uri]
  (doto (.remoteAdd repo)
    (.setName name)
    (.setUri (URIish. uri))

Remove a remote with given name from repo and return the JGit RemoteRemoveCommand instance.

(defn git-remote-remove
  [^Git repo name]
  (doto (.remoteRemove repo)
    (.setName name)

Returns a seq of vectors with format [name [^URIish ..]] representing all configured remotes for given repo.

(defn git-remote-list
  [^Git repo]
  (->> (.remoteList repo)
       (map (fn [^RemoteConfig r]
              [(.getName r) (.getURIs r)]))))

Returns a seq of maps representing the commit history for current branch of given repo. :range is equal to setting both ยด:sinceand:until. To include the commit referenced by:since ObjectId` in the returned seq append the ObjectId with a ^, i.e. :since "d13c67^".


:all?         Add all refs as commits to start the graph traversal from.
              (default: false)
:jgit?        If true returns a seq with the untouched JGit objects instead.
              (default: false)
:max-count    Limit the number of commits to output. (default: nil)
:paths        String or coll of strings; show only commits that affect any of the
              specified paths. The path must either name a file or a directory exactly
              and use / (slash) as separator. Note that regex expressions or wildcards
              are not supported. (default: nil)
:range        Map with format {:since Resolvable :until Resolvable}. Adds the range
              since..until. (default: nil)
:rev-filter   Set a RevFilter for the LogCommand. (default: nil)
:since        Same as --not until, or ^until; `until` being a Resolvable, i.e.
              "HEAD", ObjectId, etc. (default: nil)
:skip         Number of commits to skip before starting to show the log output.
              (default: nil)
:until        Resolvable ("master", ObjectId, etc) to start graph traversal from.
              (default: nil)
(defn git-log
  [^Git repo & {:keys [all? jgit? max-count paths range rev-filter since skip until]
                :or   {all?       false
                       jgit?      false
                       max-count  nil
                       paths      nil
                       range      nil
                       rev-filter nil
                       since      nil
                       skip       nil
                       until      nil}}]
  (as-> (.log repo) ^LogCommand cmd
        (if (some? until)
          (.add cmd (resolve-object until repo)) cmd)
        (if (some? since)
          (.not cmd (resolve-object since repo)) cmd)
        (if (some? range)
          (.addRange cmd (resolve-object (:since range) repo) (resolve-object (:until range) repo)) cmd)
        (if all?
          (.all cmd) cmd)
        (if (some? max-count)
          (.setMaxCount cmd max-count) cmd)
        (if (some? paths)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^LogCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
        (if (some? rev-filter)
          (.setRevFilter cmd rev-filter) cmd)
        (if (some? skip)
          (.setSkip cmd skip) cmd)
        (.call cmd)
        (if jgit?
          (map #(do {:id        (.getId ^RevCommit %)
                     :msg       (.getShortMessage ^RevCommit %)
                     :author    (util/person-ident (.getAuthorIdent ^RevCommit %))
                     :committer (util/person-ident (.getCommitterIdent ^RevCommit %))
                     }) cmd))))
(defonce merge-ff-modes
         {:ff      MergeCommand$FastForwardMode/FF
          :ff-only MergeCommand$FastForwardMode/FF_ONLY
          :no-ff   MergeCommand$FastForwardMode/NO_FF})
(defonce merge-strategies
         {:ours           MergeStrategy/OURS
          :recursive      MergeStrategy/RECURSIVE
          :resolve        MergeStrategy/RESOLVE
          :simple-two-way MergeStrategy/SIMPLE_TWO_WAY_IN_CORE
          :theirs         MergeStrategy/THEIRS})

Merge given refs into current branch. refs may be anything supported by the Resolvable protocol, which also includes any sequential? with Resolvable(s), i.e. ["HEAD", ObjectId, "d13c67"].


:commit?    true if this command should commit (this is the default behavior). false
            if this command should not commit. In case the merge was successful but
            this flag was set to false a MergeResult with status
            MergeResult.MergeStatus.MERGED_NOT_COMMITTED is returned. (default: true)
:ff-mode    Keyword that corresponds to the --ff/--no-ff/--ff-only options. If nil
            use the value of the merge.ff option configured in git config. If this
            option is not configured --ff is the built-in default.
            (default: nil)
:message    Set the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is
            created). (default: nil)
:monitor    Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface. (default: nil)
:squash?    If true, will prepare the next commit in working tree and index as if a
            real merge happened, but do not make the commit or move the HEAD.
            Otherwise, perform the merge and commit the result. In case the merge was
            successful but this flag was set to true a MergeResult with status
            MergeResult.MergeStatus.MERGED_SQUASHED or
            MergeResult.MergeStatus.FAST_FORWARD_SQUASHED is returned. (default: false)
:strategy   The MergeStrategy to be used. A method of combining two or more trees
            together to form an output tree. Different strategies may employ different
            techniques for deciding which paths (and ObjectIds) to carry from the input
            trees into the final output tree:
              :ours             Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the first
                                input tree.
              :recursive        Recursive strategy to merge paths.
              :resolve          Simple strategy to merge paths.
              :simple-two-way   Simple strategy to merge paths, without simultaneous
              :theirs           Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the second
                                input tree.
            (default: :recursive)
(defn git-merge
  [^Git repo refs & {:keys [commit? ff-mode message monitor squash? strategy]
                     :or   {commit?  true
                            ff-mode  nil
                            message  nil
                            monitor  nil
                            squash?  false
                            strategy :recursive}}]
  (as-> (.merge repo) ^MergeCommand cmd
        (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.include ^MergeCommand %1 ^AnyObjectId %2) (resolve-object refs repo))
        (.setCommit cmd commit?)
        (if (some? ff-mode)
          (.setFastForward cmd (ff-mode merge-ff-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? message)
          (.setMessage cmd message) cmd)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (.setSquash cmd squash?)
        (.setStrategy cmd (strategy merge-strategies))
        (.call cmd)))
(defonce branch-rebase-modes
         {:interactive BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode/INTERACTIVE
          :none        BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode/NONE
          :preserve    BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode/PRESERVE
          :rebase      BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode/REBASE})

Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch.


:ff-mode          Keyword that corresponds to the --ff/--no-ff/--ff-only options. If
                  nil use the value of pull.ff configured in git config. If pull.ff
                  is not configured fall back to the value of merge.ff. If merge.ff
                  is not configured --ff is the built-in default.
                  (default: nil)
:monitor          Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                  (default: nil)
:rebase-mode      Keyword that sets the rebase mode to use after fetching:
                    :rebase       Equivalent to --rebase: use rebase instead of merge
                                  after fetching.
                    :preserve     Equivalent to --preserve-merges: rebase preserving
                                  local merge commits.
                    :interactive  Equivalent to --interactive: use interactive rebase.
                    :none         Equivalent to --no-rebase: merge instead of rebasing.
                  When nil use the setting defined in the git configuration, either
                  branch.[name].rebase or, if not set, pull.rebase. This setting
                  overrides the settings in the configuration file.
                  (default: nil)
:recurse-subs     Corresponds to the --recurse-submodules/--no-recurse-submodules
                  options. If nil use the value of the
         option configured per
                  submodule. If not specified there, use the value of the
                  fetch.recurseSubmodules option configured in git config. If not
                  configured in either, :on-demand is the built-in default.
                  (default: nil)
:remote           The remote (uri or name) to be used for the pull operation. If no
                  remote is set, the branch's configuration will be used. If the
                  branch configuration is missing "origin" is used.
                  (default: nil)
:remote-branch    The remote branch name to be used for the pull operation. If nil,
                  the branch's configuration will be used. If the branch
                  configuration is missing the remote branch with the same name as
                  the current branch is used. (default: nil)
:strategy         Keyword that sets the merge strategy to use during this pull
                    :ours             Simple strategy that sets the output tree to
                                      the first input tree.
                    :recursive        Recursive strategy to merge paths.
                    :resolve          Simple strategy to merge paths.
                    :simple-two-way   Simple strategy to merge paths, without
                                      simultaneous edits.
                    :theirs           Simple strategy that sets the output tree to
                                      the second input tree.
                  (default: :recursive)
:tag-opt          Keyword that sets the specification of annotated tag behavior
                  during fetch:
                    :auto-follow    Automatically follow tags if we fetch the thing
                                    they point at.
                    :fetch-tags     Always fetch tags, even if we do not have the
                                    thing it points at.
                    :no-tags        Never fetch tags, even if we have the thing it
                                    points at.
                  (default: nil)

Example usage:

(gitp/with-identity {:name "~/.ssh/id_rsa" :exclusive true}
  (gitp/git-pull repo :remote "my-remote"))
(defn git-pull
  [^Git repo & {:keys [ff-mode monitor rebase-mode recurse-subs remote remote-branch strategy tag-opt]
                :or   {ff-mode       nil
                       monitor       nil
                       rebase-mode   nil
                       recurse-subs  nil
                       remote        nil
                       remote-branch nil
                       strategy      :recursive
                       tag-opt       nil}}]
  (as-> (.pull repo) cmd
        (if (some? ff-mode)
          (.setFastForward cmd (ff-mode merge-ff-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? rebase-mode)
          (.setRebase cmd ^BranchConfig$BranchRebaseMode (rebase-mode branch-rebase-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? recurse-subs)
          (.setRecurseSubmodules cmd (recurse-subs fetch-recurse-submodules-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? remote)
          (.setRemote cmd remote) cmd)
        (if (some? remote-branch)
          (.setRemoteBranchName cmd remote-branch) cmd)
        (.setStrategy cmd (strategy merge-strategies))
        (if (some? tag-opt)
          (.setTagOpt cmd (tag-opt transport-tag-opts)) cmd)
        ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider cmd *cred-provider*)
        (.setTransportConfigCallback cmd *transport-callback*)
        (.call cmd)))

Update remote refs along with associated objects for given repo.


:all?             Push all branches under `refs/heads/*`, equal to
                  :refs "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*". (default: false)
:atomic?          Requests atomic push (all references updated, or no updates).
                  (default: false)
:dry-run?         Whether to run the push operation as a dry run. (default: false)
:force?           Corresponds to --force option. (default: false)
:monitor          Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                  (default: nil)
:options          String or coll of strings that corresponds to --push-option=<option>.
                  Transmits the given string to the server, which passes them to the
                  pre-receive as well as the post-receive hook. The given string must
                  not contain a NUL or LF character. When multiple options are given,
                  they are all sent to the other side in the order listed. When no
                  --push-option=<option> is given the values of configuration variable
                  push.pushOption are used instead. (default: nil)
:output-stream    Sets the OutputStream to write sideband messages to. (default: nil)
:receive-pack     The remote executable providing receive-pack service for pack
                  transports. If no :receive-pack is set, the default value of
                  RemoteConfig.DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PACK will be used. (default: nil)
:ref-lease-specs  Map or coll of maps with format
                  {:ref "some-ref" :expected "committish"}. Corresponds to the
                  --force-with-lease option. :ref is the remote ref to protect,
                  :expected is the local commit the remote branch is expected to be at,
                  if it doesn't match the push will fail. (default: nil)
:ref-specs        Equal to :refs but takes a either a single RefSpec instance or a
                  coll of those. (default: nil)
:refs             String or coll of strings of name(s) or ref(s) to push. If nil the
                  repo config for the specified :remote is used, if that is also nil
                  the ref is resolved from current HEAD.
                  (default: nil)
:remote           The remote (uri or name) used for the push operation. If nil
                  "origin" is used. (default: nil).
:tags?            Also push all tags under `refs/tags/*`. (default: false)
:thin?            Set the thin-pack preference for the push operation. (default: false)

Example usage:

Push current branch to remote `my-remote`, including tags and using the current
user's ssh key for auth:

  (gitp/with-identity {:name "~/.ssh/id_rsa" :exclusive true}
    (gitp/git-push repo :remote "my-remote" :tags? true))
(defn git-push
  [^Git repo & {:keys [all? atomic? dry-run? force? monitor options output-stream receive-pack ref-lease-specs
                       ref-specs refs remote tags? thin?]
                :or   {all?            false
                       atomic?         false
                       dry-run?        false
                       force?          false
                       monitor         nil
                       options         nil
                       output-stream   nil
                       receive-pack    nil
                       ref-lease-specs nil
                       ref-specs       nil
                       refs            nil
                       remote          nil
                       tags?           false
                       thin?           false}}]
  (as-> (.push repo) ^PushCommand cmd
        (if all?
          (.setPushAll cmd) cmd)
        (.setAtomic cmd atomic?)
        (.setDryRun cmd dry-run?)
        (.setForce cmd force?)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? options)
          (.setPushOptions cmd (seq?! options)) cmd)
        (if (some? output-stream)
          (.setOutputStream cmd output-stream) cmd)
        (if (some? ref-lease-specs)
          (.setRefLeaseSpecs cmd (->> ref-lease-specs
                                      (map #(RefLeaseSpec. (:ref %) (:expected %)))
                                      ^List (apply list)))
        (if (some? ref-specs)
          (.setRefSpecs cmd ^List (map #(RefSpec. %) (seq?! ref-specs))) cmd)
        (if (some? refs)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.add ^PushCommand %1 ^String %2) refs) cmd)
        (if (some? remote)
          (.setRemote cmd remote) cmd)
        (if tags? (.setPushTags cmd) cmd)
        (.setThin cmd thin?)
        ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider cmd *cred-provider*)
        (.setTransportConfigCallback cmd *transport-callback*)
        (.call cmd)))
(defn git-rebase [])

Revert given commits, which can either be a single resolvable ("HEAD", "a6efda", etc) or a coll of resolvables. Returns a map of format:

  {:reverted  The list of successfully reverted Ref's. Never nil but maybe an empty
              list if no commit was successfully cherry-picked.
  :unmerged  Any unmerged paths, will be nil if no merge conflicts.
  :error     The result of a merge failure, nil if no merge failure occurred during the revert.


:monitor          Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                  (default: nil)
:our-commit-name  The name to be used in the "OURS" place for conflict markers.
                  (default: nil)
:strategy         Keyword that sets the merge strategy to use during this revert
                       :ours             Simple strategy that sets the output tree
                                         to the first input tree.
                       :recursive        Recursive strategy to merge paths.
                       :resolve          Simple strategy to merge paths.
                       :simple-two-way   Simple strategy to merge paths, without
                                         simultaneous edits.
                       :theirs           Simple strategy that sets the output tree
                                         to the second input tree.
                  (default: :recursive)
(defn git-revert
  [^Git repo commits & {:keys [monitor our-commit-name strategy]
                        :or   {monitor         nil
                               our-commit-name nil
                               strategy        :recursive}}]
  (let [revert-cmd (.revert repo)]
    (as-> revert-cmd cmd
          ^RevertCommand (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.include ^RevertCommand %1 ^AnyObjectId %2) (resolve-object commits repo))
          (if (some? our-commit-name)
            (.setOurCommitName cmd our-commit-name) cmd)
          (if (some? monitor)
            (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
          (.setStrategy cmd (strategy merge-strategies))
          (.call cmd)
          {:reverted (.getRevertedRefs revert-cmd)
           :unmerged (.getUnmergedPaths revert-cmd)
           :error    (.getFailingResult revert-cmd)})))

Remove files from the working tree and from the index. file-patterns is a string or coll of strings with the repository-relative path of file(s) to remove.


:cached?    true if files should only be removed from index, false if files should
            also be deleted from the working directory. (default: false)
(defn git-rm
  [^Git repo file-patterns & {:keys [cached?]
                              :or   {cached? false}}]
  (-> (.rm repo)
      ^RmCommand (doseq-cmd-fn! #(.addFilepattern ^RmCommand %1 %2) file-patterns)
      (.setCached cached?)

Show the working tree status. Returns a map with keys corresponding to the passed :status and :status-fn args.


:ignore-subs?           Whether to ignore submodules. If nil use repo config.
                        (default: nil)
:jgit?                  If true just returns the JGit Status object. (default: false)
:monitor                Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                        (default: nil)
:paths                  String or coll of strings with path(s). Only show the status
                        of files which match the given paths. The path must either
                        name a file or a directory exactly. All paths are always
                        relative to the repository root. If a directory is specified
                        all files recursively underneath that directory are matched.
                        If multiple paths are passed the status of those files is
                        reported which match at least one of the given paths. Note
                        that regex expressions or wildcards are not supported.
                        (default: nil)
:status                 Keyword or coll of keywords that select which built-in status
                        functions are included in the output, if nil only functions
                        passed through :status-fns are used. Possible keywords:
                        (default: :all)
:status-fns             Map of format {:output-id fn}. Utilize custom functions that
                        are passed the JGit Status instance, the function's return is
                        included in the output map at the corresponding :output-id
                        key. Example that adds a :clean? and :changes? bool to the
                        output map:
                          {:clean? #(.isClean ^Status %) :changes? #(.hasUncommittedChanges ^Status %)}
                        (default: nil)
:working-tree-iterator  Set the WorkingTreeIterator to be used. If nil a standard
                        FileTreeIterator is used. (default: nil)
(defn git-status
  [^Git repo & {:keys [ignore-subs? jgit? monitor paths status status-fns working-tree-iterator]
                :or   {ignore-subs?          nil
                       jgit?                 false
                       monitor               nil
                       paths                 nil
                       status                :all
                       status-fns            nil
                       working-tree-iterator nil}}]
  (let [status-instance (as-> (.status repo) ^StatusCommand cmd
                              (if (some? ignore-subs?)
                                (.setIgnoreSubmodules cmd ignore-subs?) cmd)
                              (if (some? monitor)
                                (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
                              (if (some? paths)
                                (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^StatusCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
                              (if (some? working-tree-iterator)
                                (.setWorkingTreeIt cmd working-tree-iterator) cmd)
                              (.call cmd))
        def-status-fns {:added     #(into #{} (.getAdded ^Status %))
                        :changed   #(into #{} (.getChanged ^Status %))
                        :missing   #(into #{} (.getMissing ^Status %))
                        :modified  #(into #{} (.getModified ^Status %))
                        :removed   #(into #{} (.getRemoved ^Status %))
                        :untracked #(into #{} (.getUntracked ^Status %))}
        selected-def-fns (if (some? status)
                           (if (= status :all)
                             (select-keys def-status-fns (seq?! status)))
        output-fns (if (some? status-fns)
                     (merge selected-def-fns status-fns)
    (if jgit?
      (apply merge (for [[k f] output-fns]
                     {k (f status-instance)})))))

Creates an annotated tag with the provided name and (optional) message.


:annotated?   Whether this shall be an annotated tag. Note that :message and :tagger
              are ignored when this is set to false. (default: true)
:force?       If set to true the Tag command may replace an existing tag object.
              This corresponds to the parameter -f on the command line.
              (default: false)
:message      The tag message used for the tag. (default: nil)
:signed?      If set to true the Tag command creates a signed tag. This corresponds
              to the parameter -s on the command line. (default: false)
:tagger       Map of format {:name "me" :email ""}. Sets the tagger of
              the tag. If nil, a PersonIdent will be created from the info in the
              given repository.
              (default: nil)
(defn git-tag-create
  [^Git repo tag-name & {:keys [annotated? force? message signed? tagger]
                         :or   {annotated? true
                                force?     false
                                message    nil
                                signed?    false
                                tagger     nil}}]
  (as-> (.tag repo) ^TagCommand cmd
        (.setAnnotated cmd annotated?)
        (.setForceUpdate cmd force?)
        (if (some? message)
          (.setMessage cmd message) cmd)
        (.setName cmd tag-name)
        (.setSigned cmd signed?)
        (if (some? tagger)
          (.setTagger cmd (PersonIdent. ^String (:name tagger) ^String (:email tagger))) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Deletes tag(s) with the provided name(s).

(defn git-tag-delete
  [^Git repo & tag-names]
  (-> ^DeleteTagCommand (.tagDelete repo)
      (.setTags (into-array String tag-names))

Lists the tags in a repo, returning them as a seq of strings.

(defn git-tag-list
  [^Git repo]
  (->> (.tagList repo)
       (map #(->> ^Ref % .getName (re-matches #"refs/tags/(.*)") second))))
(defn ls-remote-cmd ^LsRemoteCommand [^Git repo]
  (-> (.lsRemote repo)
      ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider *cred-provider*)
      (.setTransportConfigCallback *transport-callback*)))

List references in a remote repo.


:heads?         Whether to include refs/heads. (default: false)
:remote         The remote (uri or name) used for the fetch operation. If nil, the
                repo config will be used. (default: nil)
:tags?          Whether to include refs/tags in references results. (default: false)
:upload-pack    The full path of executable providing the git-upload-pack service on
                remote host. (default: nil)
(defn git-ls-remote
  [^Git repo & {:keys [heads? remote tags? upload-pack]
                :or   {heads?      false
                       remote      nil
                       tags?       false
                       upload-pack nil}}]
  (as-> (ls-remote-cmd repo) cmd
        (if (some? remote)
          (.setRemote cmd remote) cmd)
        (.setHeads cmd heads?)
        (.setTags cmd tags?)
        (if (some? upload-pack)
          (.setUploadPack cmd upload-pack) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))
(defonce reset-modes
         {:hard  ResetCommand$ResetType/HARD
          :keep  ResetCommand$ResetType/KEEP
          :merge ResetCommand$ResetType/MERGE
          :mixed ResetCommand$ResetType/MIXED
          :soft  ResetCommand$ResetType/SOFT})

Reset current HEAD to the specified :ref, or reset given :paths.


:mode         Keyword that sets the reset mode:
              (default: :mixed, always nil if :paths is set)
:monitor      Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
              (default: nil)
:paths        String or coll of strings with repository relative path(s) of file(s)
              or directory to reset. (default: nil)
:ref          String with the ref to reset to, defaults to HEAD if nil. (default: nil)
:ref-log?     If false disables writing a reflog entry for this reset command.
              (default: true)
(defn git-reset
  [^Git repo & {:keys [mode monitor paths ref ref-log?]
                :or   {mode     :mixed
                       monitor  nil
                       paths    nil
                       ref      nil
                       ref-log? true}}]
  (as-> (.reset repo) ^ResetCommand cmd
        (if (nil? paths)
          (.setMode cmd (mode reset-modes)) cmd)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? paths)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^ResetCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
        (if (some? ref)
          (.setRef cmd ref) cmd)
        (.disableRefLog cmd (not ref-log?))
        (.call cmd)))
(defn submodule-walk
  ([^Git repo]
   (->> (submodule-walk (.getRepository repo) 0)
        (filter identity)
        (map #(Git/wrap %))))
  ([^Git repo level]
   (when (< level 3)
     (let [gen (SubmoduleWalk/forIndex repo)
           repos (transient [])]
       (while (.next gen)
         (when-let [subm (.getRepository gen)]
           (conj! repos subm)
           (conj! repos (submodule-walk subm (inc level)))))
       (->> (persistent! repos)
(defn git-submodule-fetch
  [^Git repo]
  (doseq [subm (submodule-walk repo)]
    (git-fetch-all subm)))
(defn submodule-update-cmd ^SubmoduleUpdateCommand [^Git repo]
  (-> (.submoduleUpdate repo)
      ^TransportCommand (.setCredentialsProvider *cred-provider*)
      (.setTransportConfigCallback *transport-callback*)))

Update all submodules of given repo.


callback        Set a CloneCommand.Callback for this submodule clone operation.
                (default: nil)
fetch?          Whether to fetch the submodules before we update them. (default: true)
fetch-callback  Set a FetchCommand.Callback for submodule fetch operation.
                (default: nil)
monitor         Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface.
                (default: nil)
paths           String or coll of strings with repository-relative submodule path(s)
                to update. If nil all submodules of given repo are updated.
                (default: nil)
strategy        Keyword that sets the merge strategy to use during this update
                  :ours             Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the
                                    first input tree.
                  :recursive        Recursive strategy to merge paths.
                  :resolve          Simple strategy to merge paths.
                  :simple-two-way   Simple strategy to merge paths, without simultaneous
                  :theirs           Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the
                                    second input tree.
                (default: :recursive)
(defn git-submodule-update
  [^Git repo & {:keys [callback fetch? fetch-callback monitor paths strategy]
                :or   {callback       nil
                       fetch?         true
                       fetch-callback nil
                       monitor        nil
                       paths          nil
                       strategy       nil}}]
  (as-> (submodule-update-cmd repo) ^SubmoduleUpdateCommand cmd
        (if (some? callback)
          (.setCallback cmd callback) cmd)
        (.setFetch cmd fetch?)
        (if (some? fetch-callback)
          (.setFetchCallback cmd fetch-callback) cmd)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (if (some? paths)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^SubmoduleUpdateCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
        (.setStrategy cmd (strategy merge-strategies))
        (.call cmd)))

Set the remote URL in a submodule's repository to the current value in the .gitmodules file of given repo.


:paths    String or coll of strings with repository-relative submodule path(s) to
          update. If nil all submodules of given `repo` are updated. (default: nil)
(defn git-submodule-sync
  [^Git repo & {:keys [paths] :or {paths nil}}]
  (as-> (.submoduleSync repo) ^SubmoduleSyncCommand cmd
        (if (some? paths)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^SubmoduleSyncCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Copy the url and update fields from the working tree's .gitmodules file to given repo config file for each submodule not currently present in the repository's config file.


:paths    String or coll of strings with repository-relative submodule path(s) to
          initialize. If nil all submodules of given `repo` are used. (default: nil)
(defn git-submodule-init
  [^Git repo & {:keys [paths] :or {paths nil}}]
  (as-> (.submoduleInit repo) ^SubmoduleInitCommand cmd
        (if (some? paths)
          (doseq-cmd-fn! cmd #(.addPath ^SubmoduleInitCommand %1 %2) paths) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Clone the submodule from given uri to given path, register it in the .gitmodules file and the repository config file, and also add the submodule and .gitmodules file to the index.


:name     Set the submodule name, if omitted the name is derived from given path.
          (default: nil)
:monitor  Set a progress monitor. See JGit ProgressMonitor interface. (default: nil)
(defn git-submodule-add
  [^Git repo uri path & {:keys [name monitor]
                         :or   {name    nil
                                monitor nil}}]
  (as-> (.submoduleAdd repo) cmd
        (.setURI cmd uri)
        (.setPath cmd path)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setName cmd name) cmd)
        (if (some? monitor)
          (.setProgressMonitor cmd monitor) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Stash changes in the working directory and index in a commit.


:index-msg        Set the message used when committing index changes. The message
                  will be formatted with the current branch, abbreviated commit id,
                  and short commit message when used. (default: nil)
:person           Map of format {:name "me" :email ""}. Sets the
                  person to use as the author and committer in the commits made.
                  If nil the `repo` configuration is used. (default: nil)
:ref              Set the reference to update with the stashed commit id. If nil,
                  no reference is updated. (default: nil)
:untracked?       Whether to include untracked files in the stash. (default: false)
:working-dir-msg  Set the message used when committing working directory changes.
                  The message will be formatted with the current branch, abbreviated
                  commit id, and short commit message when used. (default: nil)
(defn git-stash-create
  [^Git repo & {:keys [index-msg person ref untracked? working-dir-msg]
                :or   {index-msg       nil
                       person          nil
                       ref             nil
                       untracked?      false
                       working-dir-msg nil}}]
  (as-> (.stashCreate repo) cmd
        (if (some? index-msg)
          (.setIndexMessage cmd index-msg) cmd)
        (if (some? person)
          (.setPerson cmd (PersonIdent. ^String (:name person) ^String (:email person))) cmd)
        (if (some? ref)
          (.setRef cmd ref) cmd)
        (.setIncludeUntracked cmd untracked?)
        (if (some? working-dir-msg)
          (.setWorkingDirectoryMessage cmd working-dir-msg) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))

Behaves like git stash apply --index, i.e. it tries to recover the stashed index state in addition to the working tree state.


:ignore-repo-state?   If true ignores the repository state when applying the stash.
                      (default: false)
:index?               Whether to restore the index state. (default: true)
:stash-ref            String with the stash reference to apply. If nil defaults to
                      the latest stashed commit ("stash@{0}"). (default: nil)
:strategy             Keyword that sets the merge strategy to use during this update
                        :ours             Simple strategy that sets the output tree to
                                          the first input tree.
                        :recursive        Recursive strategy to merge paths.
                        :resolve          Simple strategy to merge paths.
                        :simple-two-way   Simple strategy to merge paths, without
                                          simultaneous edits.
                        :theirs           Simple strategy that sets the output tree to
                                          the second input tree.
                      (default: :recursive)
:untracked?           Restore untracked files? (default: true)
(defn git-stash-apply
  [^Git repo & {:keys [ignore-repo-state? index? untracked? stash-ref strategy]
                :or   {ignore-repo-state? false
                       index?             true
                       stash-ref          nil
                       strategy           :recursive
                       untracked?         true}}]
  (as-> (.stashApply repo) cmd
        (.ignoreRepositoryState cmd ignore-repo-state?)
        (doto cmd
          (.setApplyIndex index?)
          (.setApplyUntracked untracked?))
        (.setStashRef cmd stash-ref)
        (.setStrategy cmd (strategy merge-strategies))
        (.call cmd)))

List the stashed commits for given repo.

(defn git-stash-list
  [^Git repo]
  (-> repo

Delete a stashed commit reference. Currently only supported on a traditional file repository using one-file-per-ref reflogs.


:all?       If true drop all stashed commits, if false only the :stash-id is dropped.
            (default: false)
:stash-id   Integer with the stash id to drop. Corresponds to stash@{stash-id}
            (default: 0)
(defn git-stash-drop
  [^Git repo & {:keys [all? stash-id]
                :or   {all?     false
                       stash-id 0}}]
  (-> (.stashDrop repo)
      (.setAll all?)
      (.setStashRef stash-id)

Apply and then drop the latest stash commit.

(defn git-stash-pop
  [^Git repo]
  (git-stash-apply repo)
  (git-stash-drop repo))

Remove untracked files from the working tree.


:dirs?      If true directories are also cleaned. (default: false)
:dry-run?   When true the paths in question will not actually be deleted.
            (default: false)
:force?     If force is set, directories that are git repositories will also be
            deleted. (default: false)
:ignore?    Don't report/clean files or dirs that are ignored by a `.gitignore`.
            (default: true)
:paths      String or coll of strings with repository-relative paths to limit the
            cleaning to. (default: nil)
(defn git-clean
  [^Git repo & {:keys [dirs? dry-run? force? ignore? paths]
                :or   {dirs?    false
                       dry-run? false
                       force?   false
                       ignore?  true
                       paths    nil}}]
  (as-> (.clean repo) ^CleanCommand cmd
        (.setCleanDirectories cmd dirs?)
        (.setDryRun cmd dry-run?)
        (.setForce cmd force?)
        (.setIgnore cmd ignore?)
        (if (some? paths)
          (.setPaths cmd (set (seq?! paths))) cmd)
        (.call cmd)))
(defn blame-result
  [^BlameResult blame]
  (.computeAll blame)
  (letfn [(blame-line [num]
            (when-let [commit (try
                                (.getSourceCommit blame num)
                                (catch ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _ nil))]
              {:author        (util/person-ident (.getSourceAuthor blame num))
               :commit        commit
               :committer     (util/person-ident (.getSourceCommitter blame num))
               :line          (.getSourceLine blame num)
               :line-contents (-> blame .getResultContents (.getString num))
               :source-path   (.getSourcePath blame num)}))
          (blame-seq [num]
            (when-let [cur (blame-line num)]
              (cons cur
                    (lazy-seq (blame-seq (inc num))))))]
    (blame-seq 0)))
(defonce diff-supported-algorithms
         {:histogram DiffAlgorithm$SupportedAlgorithm/HISTOGRAM
          :myers     DiffAlgorithm$SupportedAlgorithm/MYERS})

Show blame result for given path.


:diff-algo        Keyword that sets the used diff algorithm, supported algorithms:
                  (default: nil)
:follow-mv?       If true renames are followed using the standard FollowFilter
                  behavior used by RevWalk (which matches git log --follow in the
                  C implementation). This is not the same as copy/move detection
                  as implemented by the C implementation's of git blame -M -C.
                  (default: false)
:jgit?            If true returns the JGit object instead. (default: false)
:reverse          Compute reverse blame (history of deletes). Map of format
                  {:start Resolvable :end Resolvable}:
                    :start  Oldest commit to traverse from. Result file will be
                            loaded from this commit's tree.
                    :end    Most recent commit(s) to stop traversal at. Usually
                            an active branch tip, tag, or HEAD. Accepts a single
                            Resolvable or a coll with those.
                  (default: nil)
:start            A Resolvable that sets the start commit. (default: nil)
:text-comparator  Pass a JGit RawTextComparator. (default: nil)
(defn git-blame
  [^Git repo path & {:keys [diff-algo follow-mv? jgit? reverse start text-comparator]
                     :or   {diff-algo       nil
                            follow-mv?      false
                            jgit?           false
                            reverse         nil
                            start           nil
                            text-comparator nil}}]
  (as-> (.blame repo) cmd
        (.setFilePath cmd path)
        (if (some? diff-algo)
          (.setDiffAlgorithm cmd (diff-algo diff-supported-algorithms)) cmd)
        (.setFollowFileRenames cmd follow-mv?)
        (if (some? reverse)
          (.reverse cmd
                    ^AnyObjectId (resolve-object (:start reverse) repo)
                    (->> (:end reverse) seq?! ^ObjectId (map #(resolve-object % repo))))
        (if (some? start)
          (.setStartCommit cmd (resolve-object start repo)) cmd)
        (if (some? text-comparator)
          (.setTextComparator cmd text-comparator) cmd)
        (.call cmd)
        (if jgit?
          (blame-result cmd))))
(defn get-blob-id ^ObjectId [^Git repo ^RevCommit commit ^String path]
  (let [tree-walk (TreeWalk/forPath (.getRepository repo) path (.getTree commit))]
    (when tree-walk
      (.getObjectId tree-walk 0))))
(defn get-blob
  [repo commit path]
  (when-let [blob-id (get-blob-id repo commit path)]
    (.getName blob-id)))

Return list of note objects for given :ref.


:ref    The name of the ref in "refs/notes/" to read notes from. Note, the default
        value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.
        (default: "commits")
(defn git-notes
  ([^Git repo & {:keys [^String ref]
                 :or   {ref "commits"}}]
   (-> (.notesList repo)
       (.setNotesRef (str "refs/notes/" ref))

Return note string for given :ref.


:ref    The name of the ref in "refs/notes/" to read notes from. Note, the default
        value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.
        (default: "commits")
(defn git-notes-show
  [^Git repo & {:keys [^String ref]
                :or   {ref "commits"}}]
  (let [repository (-> repo .getRepository)]
    (->> (git-notes repo :ref ref)
         (map #(String. (.getBytes (.open repository (.getData ^Note %))) (StandardCharsets/UTF_8)))
         (map #(str/split % #"\n"))

Add a note for a given :commit and :ref, replacing any existing note for that commit.


:commit The RevCommit object the note should be added to. When nil the current "HEAD"
        is used. (default: nil)
:ref    The name of the ref in "refs/notes/" to read notes from. Note, the default
        value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.
        (default: "commits")
(defn git-notes-add
  [^Git repo ^String message & {:keys [^RevCommit commit ^String ref]
                                :or   {commit nil
                                       ref    "commits"}}]
  (-> (.notesAdd repo)
      (.setMessage message)
      (.setNotesRef (str "refs/notes/" ref))
      (.setObjectId (or commit (get-head-commit repo)))

Append a note for a given :commit and :ref, given message is concatenated with a ` ` char.


:commit The RevCommit object the note should be added to. When nil the current "HEAD"
        is used. (default: nil)
:ref    The name of the ref in "refs/notes/" to read notes from. Note, the default
        value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.
        (default: "commits")
(defn git-notes-append
  "Append a note for a given `:commit` and `:ref`, given message is concatenated with a `\n` char.
    :commit The RevCommit object the note should be added to. When nil the current \"HEAD\"
            is used. (default: nil)
    :ref    The name of the ref in \"refs/notes/\" to read notes from. Note, the default
            value of JGit's Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS will be used if nil is passed.
            (default: \"commits\")
  [^Git repo ^String message & {:keys [^RevCommit commit ^String ref]
                                :or   {commit nil
                                       ref    "commits"}}]
  (as-> (git-notes-show repo :ref ref) $
        (conj $ message)
        (str/join "\n" $)
        (git-notes-add repo $ :ref ref :commit commit)))